Edit Article/News

How do I install the script

Edit row 4 and 6 in the file "settings.asp" to point to your database and image directory.

Run default.asp - user and password = admin
For security reasons you should add you as a new user and delete admin or edit the admin profile.

How do I find the path to the database and image directory

Run path.asp to get the virtual path to path.asp


If you get:

Change the database path to

and the image path to

Include articles

Add <!--#include file="yournewsfolder/inc_visa_nyheter.asp" --> on the page where you want to show your articles.

Number of articles to show

You specify the number of articles you want to show on the setup page. The articles are sorted by date. No hidden articles will show. If you set the number to one only the latest article will be showed.

Include summaries

Add <!--#include file="yournewsfolder/inc_visa_ingress.asp" --> on the page where you want to show your article summaries. Dont' forget to add the news folder if any!

You must edit row 40 in inc_visa_ingress.asp to point to your news folder. For example:


<td valign="top"><div align="right"><font size="1"><a href="include.asp?id=<% =rsOldnews("id") %>">Read
more</a></font> <font color="#3366CC"><strong>&raquo;</strong></font></div></td>


<td valign="top"><div align="right"><font size="1"><a href="yournewsfolder/include.asp?id=<% =rsOldnews("id") %>">Read
more</a></font> <font color="#3366CC"><strong>&raquo;</strong></font></div></td>

Number of summaries to show

You specify the number of summaries you want to show on the setup page. The articles are sorted by date. No hidden articles will show. If you set the number to one only the latest summary will be showed.

Show one article

Add <!--"include file="yournewsfolder/include.asp" --> on the page where you want to show your article. Dont' forget to add the news folder if any!

Article to show

You specify the article to show on the setup page.

Difference between images in the article text and the section image

The image you select in the image section has a fixed placement (see example). The image text will be placed in conjunction with the image. Images in the article text can be placed anywhere and doesn't have an image text.

Where can I get help

Ask your questions in the forum at http://www.web-graphics.net. You must be logged in to post. (Skriv nytt inlägg in Swedish means Post new topic). Post your questions in the section called "Stand-alone-GB" (English) or "Fristående-SE" (Swedish).

The stylesheet does not work

You must change the URL for the stylesheet in the include file if your page, where you include the articles, is on another level than the news script.
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">